
TVFoodMaps β€” Cool GPTs

Find Restaurants on TV Shows Like Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and 50 others!
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What to ask TVFoodMaps GPT

Can you recommend any restaurants featured on the TV show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives"?
What are some other TV shows that feature restaurants and food?
Can you provide a list of restaurants that have been featured on multiple TV shows?
Is there a way to search for restaurants based on the type of cuisine they serve?
Can you suggest any restaurants that have been featured on TV shows in a specific city or state?
How can I find out which TV shows have featured a particular restaurant?
Are there any upcoming TV shows or episodes that will feature new restaurants?
Can you provide any information on the chefs or owners of the restaurants featured on TV shows?
Is there a way to filter the restaurant search results based on ratings or reviews?
Can you recommend any restaurants that have been featured on TV shows and have vegetarian or vegan options?