MacroMeter GPT

MacroMeter GPT β€” Cool GPTs

Tracks global cuisine nutrition, including carbohydrates, and displays charts.
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What to ask MacroMeter GPT GPT

Can you provide me with the nutritional information for a specific dish?
How can I track my daily carbohydrate intake using MacroMeter GPT?
Can you recommend some low-carb recipes for me?
What are the most popular global cuisines in terms of nutrition?
How accurate is the nutritional information provided by MacroMeter GPT?
Can I customize the charts displayed by MacroMeter GPT?
Is there a way to track my carbohydrate intake over a specific period of time using this chat-bot?
Can you suggest some high-carbohydrate dishes from different cuisines?
How frequently is the global cuisine nutrition database updated by MacroMeter GPT?
Can I input my own recipes into MacroMeter GPT to track their nutritional information?