What to ask Eat Smart: Banned/Discouraged Ingredient Finder GPT
Can you check if this food product contains any banned ingredients in the EU?
What are the discouraged ingredients in this food according to the Whole Foods List?
Can you tell me if this food label is safe for consumption in the United States?
Is there a way to enter the ingredients manually instead of snapping a photo?
Can you provide a list of banned ingredients in the EU for reference?
How accurate is your cross-referencing with the Whole Foods List of Unacceptable Ingredients?
Are there any specific ingredients I should be cautious about when it comes to healthier eating?
Can you recommend alternative food products that do not contain banned or discouraged ingredients?
Is there a limit to the number of food labels I can check with this chat-bot?
Can you explain the process of how you determine if a food product contains banned or discouraged ingredients?