What to ask Counterpoint GPT
Can you provide me with a counterpoint to the idea that technology is making us more disconnected from each other?
What is your counterpoint to the belief that money can buy happiness?
How would you challenge the idea that failure is a necessary stepping stone to success?
Can you give me a counterpoint to the argument that social media is detrimental to mental health?
What is your perspective on the notion that humans are inherently selfish?
How would you challenge the belief that education is the key to success?
Can you provide a counterpoint to the idea that climate change is a natural occurrence and not caused by human activity?
What is your counterpoint to the belief that art is subjective and has no objective value?
How would you challenge the notion that technology is making us more efficient and productive?
Can you give me a counterpoint to the argument that animals should not be used for scientific experimentation?